Pregnancy Chiropractor

Pregnancy Chiropractor San Antonio

Pregnancy Chiropractor: Being pregnant puts a lot of strain on your spine and nervous system. Mothers often won’t notice more weight piling up in their abdominal area as the months pass. By months 6-9, many mothers are forced to assume a very unbalanced posture in order to get around. The spine is usually compressed downwards while also being forced to constantly bend in one or more directions. Let us help you handle your pregnancy better with just the right amount of chiropractic care.

Pregnancy Chiropractor in San Antonio TX | Pura Vida Chiropractic

Pregnancy Chiropractor in San Antonio

Dr. Foss, located in San Antonio, Texas, offers pregnancy chiropractic care that can help the baby assume her optimal birthing position. The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic adjustment that reduces the risk of having a breech baby. The Webster Technique should be started as soon as you find out your baby is breech. Choose a chiropractor trained through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). Chiropractic care during pregnancy can improve your own spinal alignment by preventing repetitive movements to one side.

Pregnancy Chiropractor in San Antonio

A lot of pregnant women I’ve worked with expressed concern over the safety of chiropractic care. In certain cases and scenarios, the practice can seem a bit rough on the body. Rest assured, it’s anything but – I will simply be restoring your body back to its normal, well-balanced state.

I understand the concerns that pregnant women can have when they first visit Pura Vida Chiropractic, and I will never begin treatment until I have dispelled any doubts regarding its safety. Once I have shared how chiropractic works, mothers tend to breathe a sigh of relief knowing that no harm can come to them or their unborn child.

When working with someone during any stage of pregnancy, I like to make the treatment as personalized as possible. Be prepared for detailed questions about your previous and current health, history of illness in your family and any conditions that arose while you were carrying. Knowing how your pregnancy is going lets me treat you better, avoiding the techniques that could be less useful and focusing on those that will do the most good.

I know that pregnant mothers are busy with life and their families. Together, we’ll come up with a treatment plan that fits your schedule best while encompassing everything needed to make you feel great for as long as your pregnancy lasts.

Pregnancy is a special time in the life of every woman, and it should be a pleasant experience instead of a difficult one. We understand the hardships of childbearing, and we know that even the best mother can feel burdened when carrying a child, especially in the later months. Together, we’ll work with you to make each passing month enjoyable, letting you focus on the road ahead.

The different stages of pregnant women that visit us

As I like to point out, pregnant women can’t visit us soon enough. A visit in the earliest stages will do even more than one that is paid later on – it will prepare your body for the incoming weight.

When working with pregnant women in their early stages, we also have the opportunity to instruct them about correct posture and ways to make their load easier to bear. When you hit the later months, you’ll be well-equipped to manage anything thrown your way, and you’ll have a lot more mobility and vitality than you could hope for in the absence of chiropractic care.

Of course, it’s never too late to give your body the care that it deserves, not even during months 6-9. We encourage even women in their final months of pregnancy to give chiropractic a try. By this point, it’s likely that the weight already did some damage to your body. Don’t worry, though – it’s nothing we can’t reverse with methods that are safe both for you and your child.

Pregnancy Chiropractor in San Antonio TX | Pura Vida Chiropractic

Receiving chiropractic care near the end of your pregnancy will also prepare you for childbirth itself. Many mothers fear giving birth as it can be a painful and taxing process. A body that received proper chiropractic treatment won’t crumple under the stress of childbirth, regardless of how long it may last.

Another great benefit I always point out to pregnant women who visit my clinic is an obvious one, yet easily overlooked: there’s no reason why your current pregnancy would be your last. The positive effects of chiropractic care can be felt months and years after treatment. Should you become pregnant again, you’ll handle each of the 9 months much better.

Pregnancy Chiropractor in San Antonio TX | Pura Vida Chiropractic

Thinking about your child

Everyone who knows something about pregnancy will tell you that a mother is closely connected to the child she is carrying. You might be taking all the
necessary steps to ensure your child’s safety while in the womb, but he or she can feel whatever you’re feeling – happiness and joy, but also pain and
stress. If you’re pregnant, suffering from nerve misalignment and an aching spine will stress your unborn child. Therefore, when you decide to repair
your body through chiropractic, you’re doing a great favor to both of you – someday, your child will thank you for it.

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